PolyDao Proposal Description

PRC = PSC Request for Comment

PIP = PSC Improvement Proposal

1.PRC Proposal

  1. User must have Vpolydao to initiate a PRC proposal.

  2. The title of the poll should not exceed 32 characters and the content should not exceed 1024 characters.

  3. The type of vote needs to be selected, and the types are fundraising and governance.

  4. PRC proposals are initiated by users with Vpolydao, and enter the PIP pool (PSC improvement proposals) when the number of community support votes >= 200.

  5. The maximum voting time for a PRC proposal is 3 days, if the number of votes for the proposal in 3 days is < 200, the PRC proposal fails.

  6. The minimum number of votes is 0.000001.

2.PIP Proposal

  1. The maximum voting time for PIP proposals is 30 days, and the minimum number of votes is 0.000001.

  2. PIP proposal >= (against + for >= 50% of circulation) * 80% (number of votes in favor) then the proposal is successful.

  3. If the user has already supported the proposal, the user cannot vote against it.


Polydao Proposal






Last updated