PolyBridge FAQ

Does PolyBridge have token?

No, PolyBridge does not currently have a token. Any reference to PolyBridge tokens is definitely a scam.

Is PolyBridge an exchange (or other dApp)?

No, PolyBridge is a protocol consisting of many independent mobility/infrastructure providers (called routers) that enable communication between chains. Developers can build native cross-chain applications, such as DEX, on Poly Bridge.

Can PolyBridge use my funds?

No. Neither the Poly Bridge founding team, nor any of the routers running the PolyBridge protocol, will have access to your funds in any form. Because of the way Poly Bridge is designed, the security of the system is the same as the security of the underlying blockchain - even if every router in our network colluded with each other, they would not be able to access your funds.

Where can I find the address of the contract used in PolyBridge?

For a list of contract addresses used in PolyBridge, please refer to this page.

How long does it take for PolyBridge to complete a cross-chain transfer?

Most cross-chain transfers take 5-20 minutes to complete. In the V1 release phase, cross-chain transfers over $120,000 can take several hours.

How is the PolyBridge bridge fee calculated?

No handling fee for transferring to PSC network When transferring out of PSC network, the gas fee of the target network will be charged. The bridge fee calculation is based on USDT (erc20) as an example: Handling fee = ETH (gas) * market price/USDT.

My cross-chain transfer is stuck for more than 30 minutes. What should I do?

  1. If the transfer has not been confirmed on the source chain, you can speed up the transfer by increasing the price of gas; otherwise, please feel free to contact customer service and provide the hash of the transaction on the source chain.

  2. If your transfer card has been in "pending funds release" status for more than 3 hours, please feel free to contact customer service and provide the transaction hash on the source chain.

I want to get PolyBridge support for my token, what should I do?

Send an email to this address polysmatrchian@gmail.com and provide the contract for the token.

Last updated